In 2011, fourteen teenage girls in upstate New York high school suddenly developed Tourette's-like symptoms, or, as Ruth Graham posited, began to "rage against patriarchal cultures."
This is not only their story.
Instead, this is the story of Eve, Joan of Arc, Bubbe, and a group of "afflicted" cheerleaders as they navigate a religious origin story, Title IX, The Pale, and homecoming, all while balancing purity and sexual autonomy in a world that constantly diminishes and dismisses them.
(10 w, 3 m)
A mother in prison seeks refuge in an imaginary place filled with self-defined beauty when pushed to confront the chilling memories of her relationship with her transgender child.
Award: Excellence in Original Script, Maryland Community Theatre Festival
(2 f, 1 FTM who transitions on stage)
This play has a full-length version as well as an award-winning 25-minute one-act version.
A mother and daughter have "the talk;" an assimilated American Jew recalls the event that started her family's generational trauma; and Adam and Eve go on a first date. Somehow, they are all connected.
Award: Excellence in Original Script, Maryland Community Theatre Festival 2023
(4 w, 1 m)
This play has an extended version as well as a 45-minute one-act version.
On a March morning, a grieving couple waits for the migratory return of the osprey to the St. Mary's River for the nesting season.
Award: Outstanding Original Script, Maryland Community Theatre Festival
(1 w, 1 m)
A lesbian fugitive spends her final twenty minutes on Earth waiting in shackles to board the last penal transport to Mars.
(2 w, 1 m or 3 w)
A mother and daughter have "the talk;" an assimilated American Jew recalls the event that started her family's generational trauma; and Adam and Eve go on a first date. Somehow, they are all connected.
Award: Excellence in Original Script, Maryland Community Theatre One-Act Festival
(4 w, 1 m)
Four actors playing Martha, George, Brick, and Maggie simultaneously take the stage at the start of two different plays. As the actors vie for control of the stage and the limelight, they each begin to reveal themselves--not as their characters, but as human beings.
(2 w, 2 m)
A mother in prison seeks refuge in an imaginary place filled with self-defined beauty when pushed to confront the chilling memories of her relationship with her transgender child.
Award: Excellence in Original Script, Maryland Community Theatre Festival
(2 f, 1 FTM who transitions on stage)
James and Victoria examine the betrayal that pushed their marriage past the brink.
(1 w, 1 m)
Four dictionary definitions attempt to literally find their meaning and their place in the dictionary, as Woman herself struggles to hold onto her identity in a changing world filled with revision.
(4 w, 1 m)
A group of religious, sign-wielding protesters unintentionally invoke the interest of God.
(1 w, 2 m)
A has-been band of female caped crusaders meet at the annual Women's Auxiliary Committee of Super Heroes where they must decide whether or not to go beyond the male-identified parameters of heroic exploits to save women everywhere.
(5 people who identify as women or some version thereof)
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